Hi , my name is Sally Peace. I started working with mental and emotional energy over 30 years ago, and it felt like coming home to me. I have found on my own healing journey that old programming and belief systems have been the hardest areas to work through alone. I also find group work very powerful to access those areas we often don’t notice in ourselves.

My story:

My interest in Kinesiology and working with the body’s energy happened when my youngest son, at a few months old, had some health issues.

Traditional methods were not working for him (or me) and by this point I was incredibly stressed that I could not seem to calm and help my baby or myself. 

By complete chance, I decided to attend a Kinesiology workshop and was amazed at what could be achieved. We were guided to use a technique to reduce stress and it worked!!!!

My outlook on life had transformed in a couple of minutes. It was incredible. 

This initial interest in energy opened up a whole wealth of learning, for which I am eternally grateful.

Energy Alignment:

Kinesiology, or the Energy Alignment Method, uses the physical body to indicate what is happening in your subconscious so you can become aware of what is holding you back energetically. By changing the energy it transforms your whole life experience. It really is an amazing technique!

I have also trained in many many other complementary therapies and have special interest in:

  • Mentoring, counselling and coaching

  • Weight, body and food issues.

  • Childhood trauma, abuse and neglect.

  • Spiritual, psychic and energetic scanning

  • Energy Alignment Method. You can click here to see how I use The Energy Alignment Method (sometimes referred to as ‘Your Sway’).

I feel we are destined to meet certain people to help us on our journeys. If you feel drawn to meet me for any reason then get in touch. It might have nothing to do with anything I have mentioned here.

Pop me an email and let’s have a chat.

Sally Peace